Why Do I Get So Many Friend Suggestions On Facebook

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Why I Get So Many Friend Suggestions on Facebook

I recently logged onto Facebook and was surprised to see a notification that I had over 100 new friend suggestions. I was a bit confused, as I didn’t recall adding any new friends lately. I clicked on the notification and was taken to a page that showed me a list of people who Facebook thought I might know. Some of the people on the list were people I had met in real life, but many of them were strangers.

I was curious about why Facebook was suggesting these people as friends, so I started to do some research. I soon discovered that there are a number of factors that Facebook uses to determine who to suggest as friends. These factors include:

Mutual Friends

One of the most important factors that Facebook uses to suggest friends is mutual friends. If you have a lot of mutual friends with someone, Facebook is more likely to suggest them as a friend. This is because Facebook assumes that you are more likely to know and be interested in people who are friends with your friends.

Shared Interests

Another factor that Facebook uses to suggest friends is shared interests. If you have joined groups or liked pages that are similar to someone else’s, Facebook is more likely to suggest them as a friend. This is because Facebook assumes that you are more likely to want to be friends with people who share your interests.


Facebook also uses location to suggest friends. If you live in the same area as someone, Facebook is more likely to suggest them as a friend. This is because Facebook assumes that you are more likely to know and be interested in people who live near you.

Email Address and Phone Number

Facebook also uses your email address and phone number to suggest friends. If you have entered your email address or phone number into Facebook, Facebook will use it to find people who have also entered that information. Facebook is more likely to suggest these people as friends, as it assumes that you know them.

How to Get Fewer Friend Suggestions

If you are getting too many friend suggestions on Facebook, there are a few things you can do to reduce the number of suggestions. These include:

  • Unfollowing people. If you are following someone who you don’t know well, you can unfollow them. This will prevent their posts from showing up in your news feed, and it will also reduce the number of friend suggestions you get from people who are similar to them.
  • Leaving groups. If you are a member of a group that you don’t participate in, you can leave the group. This will prevent Facebook from suggesting friends who are members of that group.
  • Hiding friend suggestions. If you are getting friend suggestions from people you don’t know, you can hide them. To do this, click on the “X” next to the person’s name. This will prevent Facebook from suggesting that person as a friend again.


Q: Why do I get so many friend suggestions on Facebook?

A: Facebook uses a number of factors to suggest friends, including mutual friends, shared interests, location, email address, and phone number.

Q: How can I get fewer friend suggestions on Facebook?

A: You can unfollow people, leave groups, and hide friend suggestions to reduce the number of friend suggestions you get on Facebook.

Q: Is it OK to ignore friend suggestions on Facebook?

A: Yes, it is OK to ignore friend suggestions on Facebook. You can simply hide the suggestion or click the “X” next to the person’s name.


If you are getting too many friend suggestions on Facebook, there are a few things you can do to reduce the number of suggestions. You can unfollow people, leave groups, and hide friend suggestions to reduce the number of friend suggestions you get on Facebook. Ultimately, the best way to control the number of friend suggestions you get is to be selective about who you add as a friend.

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كيفية إخفاء اقتراحات الأصدقاء على فيسبوك – التقنية السورية Syrian Tech Utilizing the “People you may know” feature. The ” People you may know ” feature on Facebook suggests potential friends. It looks at user activity, preferences, and connections. It also takes targeted ads, phone contacts, profile visits, and interactions into account. Location and work/education info play a role too.