Can I Wear Eye Makeup To An Eye Exam

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Can I Wear Eye Makeup to an Eye Exam?

I know, I know. You’re probably thinking, “Of course not! Eye makeup can get in the doctor’s eyes and ruin the exam.” But hear me out. I recently went to an eye exam wearing full-on eye makeup, and it was totally fine. In fact, the doctor even complimented me on my shadow!

So, what gives? Can you or can’t you wear eye makeup to an eye exam? The answer is: it depends.

Factors to Consider

There are a few factors to consider when deciding whether or not to wear eye makeup to an eye exam:

  • Type of eye makeup. Some types of eye makeup are more likely to get in your doctor’s eyes than others. For example, loose powder shadows and mascaras are more likely to flake off and cause irritation. Liquid and cream shadows are less likely to cause problems.
  • Amount of eye makeup. The more eye makeup you wear, the more likely it is to get in your doctor’s eyes. If you’re concerned about this, go for a more natural look or use a minimal amount of makeup.
  • Your doctor’s preference. Some doctors may prefer that you come to your exam without any eye makeup. If you’re not sure what your doctor’s preference is, it’s always best to call and ask.

Tips for Wearing Eye Makeup to an Eye Exam

If you do decide to wear eye makeup to your eye exam, here are a few tips to help minimize the risk of getting it in the doctor’s eyes:

  • Use waterproof mascara. Waterproof mascara is less likely to flake off and get in your doctor’s eyes.
  • Apply your eye makeup carefully. Avoid applying eye makeup too close to your lash line. This will help prevent it from flaking off and getting in your eyes.
  • Bring a makeup remover. If you’re concerned about getting eye makeup in your doctor’s eyes, bring a makeup remover to your appointment. This way, you can remove your makeup before the exam.


  1. Can I wear contact lenses to an eye exam? Yes, you can wear contact lenses to an eye exam. However, you will need to remove them before the doctor performs certain tests, such as the dilated eye exam.
  2. What should I expect during an eye exam? During an eye exam, the doctor will ask you about your medical history and your vision. The doctor will then perform a variety of tests to check your vision and the health of your eyes.
  3. How often should I get an eye exam? Most people should get an eye exam every two years. However, people with certain risk factors, such as diabetes or glaucoma, may need to get an eye exam more often.


So, can you wear eye makeup to an eye exam? The answer is: it depends. If you follow the tips above, you can minimize the risk of getting eye makeup in the doctor’s eyes. However, it’s always best to call your doctor and ask about their preference.

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