Risk Of Rain 2 How To Unlock All Items

Risk of Rain 2 – Teaching a Newbie – Indiecator

Risk of Rain 2: A Comprehensive Guide to Unlocking All Items

In the realm of roguelike masterpieces, Risk of Rain 2 stands tall, engrossing players with its relentless action, diverse characters, and an ever-evolving array of items that enhance combat capabilities. However, amidst the chaos and constant peril, one task remains paramount: unlocking the game’s expansive collection of items. This guide will delve into the depths of Risk of Rain 2, providing a detailed roadmap to acquiring every item and maximizing your chances of survival in the face of overwhelming odds.

Before embarking on this item-hunting adventure, it’s crucial to understand the game’s mechanics. Risk of Rain 2 employs a unique system where items are not simply found or purchased; they must be unlocked through specific criteria. These criteria vary widely, ranging from completing challenges to discovering hidden locations, ensuring that the path to unlocking each item is both arduous and rewarding.

Unlocking Item Tiers

Risk of Rain 2 categorizes items into tiers, with higher tiers offering greater power and game-changing effects. Unlocking these tiers is essential for progressing through the game’s increasingly challenging stages:

  • Tier 1: Unlocked by default, these items provide basic bonuses.
  • Tier 2: Unlocked by completing challenges.
  • Tier 3: Unlocked by discovering hidden locations.
  • Lunar Items: Unlocked through acquiring specific lunar coins.
  • Equipment: Unlocked by completing challenges and progressing through the game.

Unveiling Hidden Items

Beyond the tiered items, Risk of Rain 2 conceals an array of hidden items that further enhance gameplay. These items require specific actions or conditions to be revealed:

  • Artifacts: Found in hidden chests or through completing challenges, artifacts modify gameplay rules and introduce new mechanics.
  • Skins: Unlocked through achievements, skins customize character appearances.
  • Chests: Scattered throughout stages, chests contain items, equipment, or lunar coins.
  • Lunar Bazaar: A hidden location that can be accessed through a portal, the Lunar Bazaar offers unique items and equipment.

Tips and Expert Advice

Embarking on the journey to unlock all items in Risk of Rain 2 requires a combination of knowledge, strategy, and luck. Here are some tips to enhance your chances of success:

  • Explore every nook and cranny: Hidden items are often concealed in out-of-the-way locations. Take the time to explore every corner of each stage.
  • Complete challenges: Challenges provide a direct path to unlocking Tier 2 items. Seek out and complete as many challenges as possible.
  • Seek out hidden locations: Tier 3 items are often found in hidden locations. Observe the map for unusual areas or anomalies that may lead to these hidden treasures.
  • Farm lunar coins: Lunar coins are essential for unlocking Lunar Items. Focus on eliminating elite enemies and exploring the Lunar Bazaar to accumulate coins.

As you progress through Risk of Rain 2, you’ll inevitably encounter expert advice from experienced players. Here are some insights worth considering:

  • Stacking items: Combining certain items can create powerful synergies. Experiment with different item combinations to discover the most effective strategies.
  • Risk versus reward: Some challenges and hidden locations present high risks. Assess the potential rewards and risks before attempting them.
  • Character choice: Certain characters have abilities that aid in item acquisition. Consider using characters like Huntress for her long-range sniping ability or Commando for his high mobility.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: What is the fastest way to unlock all items?

A: There is no single fastest way. It requires a combination of exploration, challenge completion, and lunar coin farming.

Q: Can I unlock all items in a single playthrough?

A: No, it’s highly unlikely to unlock all items in a single playthrough. Time and multiple playthroughs are required.

Q: Are there any items that cannot be unlocked?

A: Yes, some items are exclusive to specific game modes or achievements and cannot be unlocked through regular gameplay.

Q: How do I know if an item is unlocked?

A: Unlocked items will appear in the Item Pool located in the Pause Menu.

Q: Can I reset my item progress?

A: Yes, you can reset your item progress by deleting your save file. However, this will also reset your characters and other game progress.


Unveiling the full arsenal of items in Risk of Rain 2 is a demanding yet immensely rewarding endeavor. By following the strategies outlined in this guide, embracing the advice of experienced players, and relentlessly exploring the game’s depths, you can gradually amass the complete collection of items. Each new item unlocked adds another layer of depth to the gameplay, enhancing your abilities and increasing your chances of survival against the relentless hordes of enemies. Are you ready to embark on this thrilling journey of item mastery?

Artifacts - Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
Image: riskofrain2.fandom.com

Artifacts - Risk of Rain 2 Wiki
Image: riskofrain2.fandom.com

Risk of Rain 2 | Best Tier Items – How To Unlock All Items & Equipments List – GameWith Aug 25, 2022Convert all but 1 health into regenerating shields. Gain 50% (+25% per stack) maximum health. Unlocked by finding in the world. Brittle Crown. 30% chance on hit to gain 3 (+3 per stack) gold. Lose gold equal to the amount you are hit for OR lose % gold equal to the % maximum health you lost.